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Ang Cheng Ming, Justin , Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007
"做生意有很多方法,经过我的总结,互联网是通过全世界平且不用用到很多时间,只需要完成一个WebSite后,然后一天在抽出少许时间就可赚取额外的收入.还可以学到很多在网上之前没学过的东西." |
Chong Chye Yen, Alex, Malayisa, 15 Sept 2007
"这是我第二次上课,之前在新加坡上过英文课,因我是华校生,所以之前只有70%收获,如今第二次,让我95%明白了Internet Marketing的运用方法,完全解决了我的疑问。" |
Goh Kay Chong, Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007
"这是一个大开眼界的课程,我一直对于互联网存有难题,在这课程我看到许多例子,我学会如何自己动手做网站,并可赚钱。" |
Khor Theng Whatt, Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007
"在未参加者课程之前, 不了解 internet marketing 如何散发知讯, 产品商. 了解之后发现网上很广大的市场.这将可广充我的业务." |
Lee Che Yan, Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007
Lee On Len, Anne, Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007
"很好,之前对网上生意完全不了解,上了过后原来就是这样Click-Click罢了就能赚很多钱。免了存货,送货的麻烦,因为之前我上过Shopping Course。真得很麻烦!这个课程帮助了我很多!" |
Lew Mun Heng, Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007
"通过此课程,让我更充分了解网页购物的操作." |
Liew Choon Chiang, Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007
"之前对互联网和博客根本不了解,今天不但对它有更深入的了解,而且对它有很大的兴趣,希望能在接下来的三个月内能把它学好。谢谢..." |
Liew Choon San, Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007
Liew Eik Eik, Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007
"我之前重来没想过要在网上进行任何交易,更没有想过有自己的网页。但自从上了 Fione 在 Zon Regency, JB 的讲座后想在网上赚钱的念头就在脑海中萌起。今天完成了两天的讲解课程,终于明白了网上生意流程,如;如何寻找产品,销售心理学,更让我知道网上还能创造多种的收入。希望在互联网上找到自己的事业。" |
Lim Chong Hie, Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007
"I am very happy to learn from eOneNet Internet success coaching program. Thank you very much!" |
Lim Loon Eng, Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007
"在我这沒參加者課程之前,对于网上交易及行銷完全不了解,说自已很庆幸自己决定参与此課程,可以说物有所值,我会叫我朋友来参与此课程,然后一起创业打拼。感谢eOneNet 让我有机会学习。" |
Lim Ru Fung, Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007
A – Attention
I – Interest
D – Desire
A – Action
因为这让我简单的写出一个Website, 又美丽又整齐 |
Lok Shiaw Chieh, Oscar, Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007
"这次是我第一次参加有关互联网课程。它让我重新认识何谓internet。 它充满无限商机。当了解了internet世界中的游戏规则(经商规则),发现到许多行业都可以做,我可以利用许多方法分析那个产品有热卖,许多网友找什么?所以有了Demand,就等着Supply了。"
Low Beng Kiat, Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007
Ng Kok Keong, Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007
"It’s really a good Internet solution for us to run an Internet business which we start it from zero. We learn a lot. It’s true!"
Sor Siew Kim, Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007
"首先,县感谢Harrace & Fione夫妇开办此课程让我获益良多.在这之前,我是有时常上网,但,都没有是一般的在yahoo,google做searching,msn聊天到朋友们的部落格留言.认识更多search engine - miva,overture , affiliate, google adwords, google adsense和keyword." |
Sor Siew Yoke, Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007
"首先借此机会感谢eOneNet提供这个课程."Internet Success Coaching".在这之前,对互联网创业是不知从何做起,也不晓得做什么生意.上了这个课程后,明白到原来要在互联网创业是可以接力使力.如;dropshipper, affiliate, google adsense等.也学到如何在网上寻找热门产品." |
Teh Nee Kian, Angelyn, Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007
"After attending eOneNet’s coaching. I learn more things about website, very good seminar. I will recommend friend to attend this course." |
Thian Chew Yee, Stephanie, Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007
- I don’t familiar what is the benefit from the website
- don’t know what the function of the search engine
- the ranking in search engine, tools
- earn money from Google
- Now I know the benefit of the website
- I know the search engine & how we can do to adjust the ranking of the searching page.
- I know how to do the metatag to arrange the ranking
- what is the absence from Google
Wong Chee Seng, Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007
"Initially, I am hesitating whether have to take part in this seminar, but after attended the 2 days seminar. I’m confirmed I had made the right choice." |
Wong Ho Cheng, Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007
"我在上课之前是完全不了解互联网行销。上课之后,我学到affiliate programme,早网上打广告,建立网上客户名单." |
Yeap Soo Chong, Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007
"上了这个课程后,才发觉赚钱的方法可以有很多种而且还可以兼顾家庭." |
Yeoh Ngah Kuin, Winny, Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007
"现在有一句非常流行的话"no internet no business"所以学习做Internet business是一定要的重要知识.还没上课之前我都有伤亡去寻找东西,不过一知半解.现在经过了两天的学习,比较多认识了,但是新手上路总是慢半拍,学习的路还很长,希望eonenet会给我们以后的服务是非常重要." |