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Internet Marketing Coach Fione Tan

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WARNING: Don't attend another Internet Marketing seminar, or attempt to start any Internet business,
before you READ THIS : from the
#1 Internet Marketing Coach (as ranked in search engines), Fione Tan

Testimonials - What Participants of Internet Success Coaching Have to Say:

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Ang Cheng Ming

Ang Cheng Ming, Justin , Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007


Boh Thye Lim

Boh Thye Lim , Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007

Before I attended this program, though I was fully aware of what Internet marketing can contribute to the sales & profit of my business. However, I was not sure of how to go about it and also the best way of the method. Having now gone through this program, I now better understand the concept and the various ways of how to get the best out of Internet marketing possible, with no understanding it previously.

I now quite confident that I should be able for what I aspire to achieve with the online support that eOneNet will provide me in the months ahead.

Chong Chye Yen

Chong Chye Yen, Alex, Malayisa, 15 Sept 2007

"这是我第二次上课,之前在新加坡上过英文课,因我是华校生,所以之前只有70%收获,如今第二次,让我95%明白了Internet Marketing的运用方法,完全解决了我的疑问。"

Goh Kay Chong

Goh Kay Chong, Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007


Hor Chee Yong

Hor Chee Yong, Gary , Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007

"这个互联网课程,让我深深了解到整个互联网创业行销的制作过程,Fione Tan也把整个课程的过程以幽默风趣的讲解,让我们不觉得互联网创业是很艰难的,也让我在这个课程中受益无穷,令我能在短时间里,早日让我在互联网上创业成功。

Thanks to eOneNet and Ms. Fione Tan."

Khor Theng Whatt

Khor Theng Whatt, Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007

"在未参加者课程之前, 不了解 internet marketing 如何散发知讯, 产品商. 了解之后发现网上很广大的市场.这将可广充我的业务."

Lee Che Yan

Lee Che Yan, Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007

Lee On Len

Lee On Len, Anne, Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007

"很好,之前对网上生意完全不了解,上了过后原来就是这样Click-Click罢了就能赚很多钱。免了存货,送货的麻烦,因为之前我上过Shopping Course。真得很麻烦!这个课程帮助了我很多!"

Lew Mun Heng

Lew Mun Heng, Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007


Liew Choon Chiang

Liew Choon Chiang, Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007


Liew Choon San

Liew Choon San, Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007

Liew Eik Eik

Liew Eik Eik, Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007

"我之前重来没想过要在网上进行任何交易,更没有想过有自己的网页。但自从上了 Fione 在 Zon Regency, JB 的讲座后想在网上赚钱的念头就在脑海中萌起。今天完成了两天的讲解课程,终于明白了网上生意流程,如;如何寻找产品,销售心理学,更让我知道网上还能创造多种的收入。希望在互联网上找到自己的事业。"

Lim Chong Hie

Lim Chong Hie, Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007

"I am very happy to learn from eOneNet Internet success coaching program. Thank you very much!"

Lim Loon Eng

Lim Loon Eng, Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007

"在我这沒參加者課程之前,对于网上交易及行銷完全不了解,说自已很庆幸自己决定参与此課程,可以说物有所值,我会叫我朋友来参与此课程,然后一起创业打拼。感谢eOneNet 让我有机会学习。"

Lim Ru Fung

Lim Ru Fung, Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007

A – Attention
I – Interest
D – Desire
A – Action
因为这让我简单的写出一个Website, 又美丽又整齐

Lok Shiaw Chieh

Lok Shiaw Chieh, Oscar, Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007

"这次是我第一次参加有关互联网课程。它让我重新认识何谓internet。 它充满无限商机。当了解了internet世界中的游戏规则(经商规则),发现到许多行业都可以做,我可以利用许多方法分析那个产品有热卖,许多网友找什么?所以有了Demand,就等着Supply了。"

Low Beng Kiat

Low Beng Kiat, Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007

Ng Kok Keong

Ng Kok Keong, Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007

"It’s really a good Internet solution for us to run an Internet business which we start it from zero. We learn a lot. It’s true!"

Sor Siew Kim

Sor Siew Kim, Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007

"首先,县感谢Harrace & Fione夫妇开办此课程让我获益良多.在这之前,我是有时常上网,但,都没有是一般的在yahoo,google做searching,msn聊天到朋友们的部落格留言.认识更多search engine - miva,overture , affiliate, google adwords, google adsense和keyword."

Sor Siew Yoke

Sor Siew Yoke, Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007

"首先借此机会感谢eOneNet提供这个课程."Internet Success Coaching".在这之前,对互联网创业是不知从何做起,也不晓得做什么生意.上了这个课程后,明白到原来要在互联网创业是可以接力使力.如;dropshipper, affiliate, google adsense等.也学到如何在网上寻找热门产品."

Teh Nee Kian

Teh Nee Kian, Angelyn, Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007

"After attending eOneNet’s coaching. I learn more things about website, very good seminar. I will recommend friend to attend this course."

Thian Chew Yee

Thian Chew Yee, Stephanie, Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007

  • I don’t familiar what is the benefit from the website
  • don’t know what the function of the search engine
  • the ranking in search engine, tools
  • earn money from Google
  • Now I know the benefit of the website
  • I know the search engine & how we can do to adjust the ranking of the searching page.
  • I know how to do the metatag to arrange the ranking
  • what is the absence from Google

Wong Chee Seng

Wong Chee Seng, Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007

"Initially, I am hesitating whether have to take part in this seminar, but after attended the 2 days seminar. I’m confirmed I had made the right choice."

Wong Ho Cheng

Wong Ho Cheng, Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007

"我在上课之前是完全不了解互联网行销。上课之后,我学到affiliate programme,早网上打广告,建立网上客户名单."

Yeap Soo Chong

Yeap Soo Chong, Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007


Yeoh Ngah Kuin

Yeoh Ngah Kuin, Winny, Malaysia, 15 Sept 2007

"现在有一句非常流行的话"no internet no business"所以学习做Internet business是一定要的重要知识.还没上课之前我都有伤亡去寻找东西,不过一知半解.现在经过了两天的学习,比较多认识了,但是新手上路总是慢半拍,学习的路还很长,希望eonenet会给我们以后的服务是非常重要."

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